Meal Program
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Rainbow’s End Child Development Center participates in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), a Federal program through the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), that provides monetary reimbursement to facilities offering healthier meals and snacks to children. The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) administers CACFP in Illinois. Rainbow's End Child Development Center also follows all Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) regulations regarding meals.
Food Program Director, April Ring
Rainbow's End balances nutritional requirements along with appropriate portions based on a child's age and any allergies when creating our menu.
Through CACFP, children’s nutritional needs are met on a daily basis. CACFP facilities follow meal patterns established by USDA:
- Breakfast requires a serving of milk, fruits or vegetables, and grains or bread.
- Lunch requires milk, grains or bread, meat or meat alternate, and a serving of fruit and a serving of vegetables (two servings of vegetables may be offered instead of a serving of fruit).
- Snack requires two of the following: milk, fruits (may use 100% juice) or vegetables, grains or bread, or meat or meat alternate.
As a participant in the CACFP, all families enrolled at Rainbow’s End Child Development Center must provide the following documentation on an annual basis:
- CACFP Annual Enrollment Form
- Household Eligibility Application
- Specialty Milk / Food Physicians Documentation-specifically documented.
- Infant Formula / Food Waiver Form
Rainbow’s End Child Development Center follows ISBE, CACFP, USDA, and DCFS guidelines for food components and serving sizes.