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Rainbow’s End Child Development Center was originally organized on the campus of Southern Illinois University Carbondale as a student/parent co-op and was supervised by personnel affiliated with the College of Education. In 1978, the office of the Vice President for Student Affairs assumed responsibility for the center and in 1979 it became a unit of Student Development.
In June of 1984, Rainbow’s End Child Development Center expanded to include an Infant/Toddler Program. A Summer School-Age Program was implemented into Rainbow’s End Child Development Center curriculum to include children first through fifth grades in 1985.
Prior to July 1, 1991, Rainbow’s End Child Development Center was housed in various facilities both on the SIU Carbondale campus and at Lakeland School in Carbondale. It was fully licensed by the State of Illinois Department of Children and Family Services and was an approved participant in the State of Illinois Child Care Food Reimbursement Program and the Comprehensive Education Training Act.
Between July 1, 1991, and June 10, 1994, Rainbow’s End Child Development Center was housed temporarily in the Student Recreation Center, awaiting relocation to a new facility. Due to licensing regulations, the Infant/Toddler Program was closed during this time period. Rainbow’s End Child Development Center assumed responsibility for the Evening Care Program in the fall semester of 1991.
On June 13, 1994, Rainbow’s End Child Development Center opened the doors of the new facility at 650 South State Street, just north of the Student Health Center. The Infant/Toddler Program was reopened and the Preschool Program was almost doubled. The Evening Care and Summer Programs continued.
The Evening Care Program was discontinued in 1996 due to lack of use. The Center applied for and received licensing through the Department of Children and Family Services and Certification through the Department of Agriculture, to reinstate the program’s participation in the Child Adult Care Food Program.